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Friday, November 16, 2007
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Yogurt Mousse
Yogurt is mad e with fermented milk. Dairy bacteria is good for your stomach and intestines and works to regulate your system.
4 servings 1 cup plain yogurt, 3 table spoons sugar, 1 cup whipped cream, 2 teaspoons gelatin, 3 tablespoons hot water.
- Mix the yogurt and sugar in a bowl
In a different bowl, pour whipping cream in and mix until whips up. Make sure it has the same texture as a yogurt.
- In a small bowl, put in hot water and pour the gelatin in. Stir as you are pouring the gelatin so it doesn’t clump up. Stir until the gelatin is completely melted
- Put the hot water from step 3 in the yogurt and stir immediately. You have to be fast or the gelatin will clump up.
- Add the whipped cream form step 2 into the bowl from step 4. After mixing them, pour the yogurt into glass cups and chill in the refrigerator for about an hour.